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Hello, I am Sterre!

My name is Sterre. This means “Star” in Dutch. Therefore I use the sign for star as the sign for my name.
I was born in Amsterdam, Holland, The Netherlands, on 11th June 1991. I am now 21 years old.

The reason that we moved to Newham, London, in September 2005 was that in England schools and colleges do accept and include me. I have the opportunity to learn and socialize together with students of all backgrounds and abilities. This will help me to become more included in all aspects of life. There is nothing that I wish more dearly than be part of, to join in, participate and share in all the things people of my age might do.

I am in my nature very friendly. I contribute with lots of initiative when I feel I belong and am valued and because of that, confident.

I love drama, dance, music and singing, both watching shows and rehearsing and performing myself. I have taken part in many courses and performances. My dream is that this will be my life and career in the future.


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